K.L. Arya DAV Public School, Hisar

Affilliated to Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi

Fee Rules  
  1. At the time of the admission, all charges are to be deposited in the Fee Office as per the instructions issued.
  2. Further fee from May onwards will be deposited with HDFC Bank, Hisar. Fee Book will be issued by the school to the parents, which has to be shown in the bank at the time of depositing fee.
  3. Fee must be deposited before 15th of the month. Late payment of fee from 16th to 20th shall incur a fine of Rs. 10/-. Thereafter the name will be struck off the rolls without intimation. Re-admission may be rendered only after the payment of fine and re-admission fee which will be allowed only once.
Contact Us ↓

K.L. Arya DAV Public School
Hisar - HARYANA,125001
E-Mail Id: kldav.hisar@gmail.com
Website : klaryadavhsr.org
Contact No.: 01662-2351023

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