K.L. Arya DAV Public School, Hisar

Affilliated to Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi

Admission Rules  
  1. Admission is confined to Kindergarten section only. Admission to other classes is feasible only if there is any vacancy.
  2. A photo copy (duly attested) of Date of Birth Certificate from the Municipal Corporation/ Committee must be attached with the Registration Form which should be filled with utmost care sense, the same date is to be sent to CBSE at the time of registration.
  3. Transfer certificate (original) and mark sheets (attested photocopy) of the previous school are required for students seeking admission in class K.G. onwards.
  4. Admission is available to children irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex & community. For the admission to classes Pre-Nursery & Nursery verification of child’s documents is done. For other classes children will be admitted to classes for which they prove themselves fit only after verification of the final result of the previous class.
  5. Admission right is reserved with the schools.
  6. Newly admitted students must deposit the fee within two days of the display of the selection list failing which the chance is given to the next eligible candidate.
Contact Us ↓

K.L. Arya DAV Public School
Hisar - HARYANA,125001
E-Mail Id: kldav.hisar@gmail.com
Website : klaryadavhsr.org
Contact No.: 01662-2351023

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